Categories Movies Wild at Heart (1990) Dir. David Lynch🚬 x 52, or 1 cigarette every 2.4 minutes(0.416 CPM)⚠️ REAL SMOKER MOVIE!!!!!! ⚠️ • Letterboxd Tags Cigarette Classic, Double Cigarette, Grace Zabriskie, Harry Dean Stanton, Isabella Rossellini, Laura Dern, nicolas cage, Willem Dafoe
Categories Movies Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains (1982) Dir. Lou Adler🚬 x 49, or 1 cigarette every 1.78 minutes(0.563 CPM)⚠️ REAL SMOKER MOVIE!!!!!! ⚠️ • Letterboxd Tags Christine Lahti, David Clennon, Diane Lane, Fee Waybill, Janet Wright, Laura Dern, Marin Kanter, Ray Winstone